Celebrating Veterinary Technician Week: Why CVTs and CSRs Are Vital to Your Pet’s Care

Sam, a veterinary assistant, with Mack

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Veterinary Technician Week (October 13-19) is a time to recognize and celebrate the incredible work that certified veterinary technicians (CVTs), veterinary assistants, and customer service representatives (CSRs) do every day in the world of veterinary medicine. These professionals are the unsung heroes who ensure that your pet receives the best care possible, and they play a critical role in the smooth operation of any veterinary clinic, including ours.

The Role of Veterinary Technicians

Veterinary technicians are much more than “pet nurses.” They are highly skilled professionals trained to perform a wide range of duties, from drawing blood and running lab tests to assisting in surgeries, administering medications, and providing emergency care. They act as the veterinarian’s second set of hands, ensuring procedures run smoothly and your pet is comfortable throughout the visit.

Vet techs also provide invaluable support to pet owners. They take the time to explain medical treatments, show you how to administer medications at home, and often become trusted partners in your pet’s long-term care. Their knowledge, experience, and compassion make them essential to the success of every veterinary clinic.

The Importance of Customer Service Representatives

Customer service representatives are often the first and last point of contact when you visit our clinic. They greet you with a smile, help schedule appointments, answer questions, and ensure the check-in and check-out process is seamless. They help manage the flow of the clinic and help keep everything organized, so the veterinary team can focus on providing the best possible care for your pets.

A great CSR can make a stressful visit easier by offering clear communication, empathy, and exceptional service. They are the glue that holds the front office together, helping to create a warm, welcoming environment for both pets and their people.

Nicole, a certified veterinary technician, with Scout

How You Can Show Your Appreciation

During Veterinary Technician Week, consider taking a moment to show appreciation for the veterinary staff that care for your pets. Here are a few simple but meaningful ways to express your gratitude:

  1. Say Thank You: A heartfelt “thank you” can go a long way in making someone’s day. Whether it’s in person, over the phone, or in a follow-up email, acknowledging their hard work is always appreciated.
  2. Leave a Positive Review: Many people read online reviews before choosing a veterinary clinic. By sharing your positive experiences, you’re not only recognizing the staff but also helping future pet owners find quality care.
  3. Spread the Word on Social Media: If your vet tech or CSR has gone above and beyond for your pet, share your experience on social media during Veterinary Technician Week! It’s a great way to celebrate them and spread the word about the essential role they play.
  4. Respect Their Time: Veterinary teams work incredibly hard, often managing a heavy caseload while maintaining the highest standard of care. Being on time for your appointments, following post-care instructions, and showing patience when things get busy can go a long way in showing your appreciation.

Veterinary technicians and CSRs are the heartbeat of our clinic. We are so grateful for their tireless work and compassionate care, and we know you are too! Let’s make this Veterinary Technician Week a special one by celebrating their essential role in keeping our furry family members healthy and happy.

Thank you for your continued trust in our team!

Ana Valbuena (she/her/ella), DVM

Celebrando la Semana del Técnico Veterinario: Por Qué los Técnicos Veterinarios y Representantes de Servicio al Clientes Son Vitales para el Cuidado de Tu Mascota

Luis and Ariana, veterinary assistants, with Dosa

Read in English

La Semana del Técnico Veterinario (Octubre 13 – 19) es un momento para reconocer y celebrar el increíble trabajo que los técnicos veterinarios, asistentes veterinarios, y los Representantes de Servicio al Clientes hacen todos los días en el mundo de la medicina veterinaria. Estos profesionales son los héroes anónimos que aseguran que tu mascota reciba el mejor cuidado posible, y juegan un papel crucial en el buen funcionamiento de cualquier clínica veterinaria, incluida la nuestra.

El Rol de los Técnicos Veterinarios

Los técnicos veterinarios son mucho más que “enfermeros de mascotas.” Son profesionales altamente capacitados para realizar una amplia gama de tareas, desde extraer sangre y realizar pruebas de laboratorio hasta asistir en cirugías, administrar medicamentos y brindar atención de emergencia. Actúan como el segundo par de manos del veterinario, asegurando que los procedimientos se realicen sin problemas y que tu mascota esté cómoda durante su visita.

Los técnicos veterinarios también brindan un apoyo invaluable a los dueños de mascotas. Se toman el tiempo para explicar los tratamientos médicos, mostrarte cómo administrar los medicamentos en casa, y a menudo se convierten en una persona de confianza en el cuidado a largo plazo de tu mascota. Su conocimiento, experiencia y compasión los hacen esenciales para el éxito de cada clínica veterinaria.

La Importancia de los Representantes de Servicio al Clientes

Los Representantes de Servicio al Clientes son a menudo el primer y último punto de contacto cuando visitas nuestra clínica. Te reciben con una sonrisa, te ayudan a programar citas, responden preguntas y aseguran que el proceso de registro y salida sea fluido. Ellos gestionan el flujo de la clínica y ayudan a mantener todo organizado, para que el equipo veterinario pueda enfocarse en brindar el mejor cuidado posible a tus mascotas.

Un buen coordinador de clientes puede hacer que una visita estresante sea más fácil al ofrecer una comunicación clara, empatía y un servicio excepcional. Son el pegamento que mantiene unido el trabajo de la oficina, ayudando a crear un ambiente cálido y acogedor tanto para las mascotas como para sus dueños.

Veronica, a client services representative, with Magoo

Cómo Puedes Mostrar Tu Agradecimiento

Durante la Semana del Técnico Veterinario, considera tomarte un momento para mostrar tu agradecimiento al personal veterinario que cuida de tus mascotas. Aquí te damos algunas formas simples pero significativas de expresar tu gratitud:

  1. Di Gracias: Un sincero “gracias” puede alegrar el día de alguien. Ya sea en persona, por teléfono o en un correo electrónico de seguimiento, reconocer su trabajo siempre es bien recibido.
  2. Deja una Reseña Positiva: Muchas personas leen reseñas antes de elegir una clínica veterinaria. Compartir tus experiencias positivas no solo reconoce al personal, sino que también ayuda a otros dueños de mascotas a encontrar atención de calidad.
  3. Comparte en Redes Sociales: Si tu técnico veterinario o coordinador de clientes ha hecho un esfuerzo adicional por tu mascota, ¡comparte tu experiencia en redes sociales durante la Semana del Técnico Veterinario! Es una excelente manera de celebrarlos y dar a conocer el rol esencial que desempeñan.
  4. Respeta su Tiempo: Los equipos veterinarios trabajan increíblemente duro, a menudo manejando una carga de trabajo pesada mientras mantienen el más alto estándar de atención. Llegar a tiempo a tus citas, seguir las instrucciones de cuidado y mostrar paciencia cuando las cosas se ponen ocupadas puede ser una gran muestra de aprecio.

Los técnicos veterinarios y los Representantes de Servicio al Clientes son el corazón de nuestra clínica. Estamos muy agradecidos por su incansable trabajo y atención compasiva, ¡y sabemos que tú también! Hagamos que esta Semana del Técnico Veterinario sea especial celebrando su rol esencial en mantener a nuestros queridos miembros peludos de la familia sanos y felices.

¡Gracias por seguir confiando en nuestro equipo!

Ana Valbuena (she/her/ella), DVM

Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs and Cats

golden retriever dog drinks from a water bowl

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the loss of kidney function over time. We tend to see this disease in our older cats and dogs.

The kidneys have a large amount of reserve capacity to continue to do their job effectively. For that reason, clinical signs of kidney disease may not occur until 75% of kidney function has been lost. In many cases, this means that the kidneys were losing function for months to years before clinical signs became evident. That’s why routine bloodwork and urinalysis in our senior patients, even when they are feeling well, are crucial steps for making an early diagnosis.

CKD has four stages. Pets in stages I and II may not show any clinical signs of kidney disease. In later stages, pets typically experience increased thirst and urination, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, signs of dehydration, and decreased appetite.

For dogs, age of onset is related to the size of the dog. In small dogs, the age of onset generally ranges between 10 and 14 years. Large dogs, however, can experience CKD as early as 7 years of age.

In cats, CKD typically occurs at age 7 or older. An estimated 30% to 40% of cats over 10 years of age are affected, and for cats over 15 years of age, the percentage affected doubles.

The Many Functions of Kidneys

Regulating hydration. In times of dehydration, the kidney responds by conserving water. In times of excess water, the kidney efficiently removes the excess to prevent dilution of the blood. As the kidneys fail, they are no longer able to do this. The result is that urine is no longer concentrated (which means too much water is lost in the urine), and pets must drink more water to stay adequately hydrated. 

Balancing calcium and phosphorus. When either calcium or phosphorus become too high, there is a risk for mineralization of the tissues. As the kidneys fail, phosphorus starts to rise. Treatment for patients with CKD requires monitoring phosphorus levels and giving a prescription diet and/or medication to keep phosphorus in a normal range.

Balancing electrolytes. As the kidneys fail, they lose their ability to conserve potassium, so these values must be closely monitored. Low potassium can lead to weakness and the need for supplementation.

Regulating blood pressure. Sensors within the kidneys monitor for high blood pressure. If these sensors are damaged, there is the risk of high blood pressure, which can damage other organs. In pets with CKD, blood pressure must be closely watched.

Retaining protein. Healthy kidneys prevent protein in the blood from being lost to the urine. As the kidneys fail, protein can leak into the urine, which can worsen kidney disease.

Producing red blood cells. The kidneys are responsible for a hormone called erythropoietin, which tells the body to produce more red blood cells when they are needed. Without this hormone, anemia can occur, so packed cell volume (PCV) and hematocrit, two red blood cell parameters, must be monitored.

Managing Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease, unfortunately, cannot be cured. It is a progressive disease, but it can be managed. The goals of treatment include minimizing the amount of waste products in the blood, addressing any electrolyte disturbances, maintaining adequate hydration, controlling blood pressure if high, and slowing the progression of the disease.

Pets with CKD pets must always have access to fresh water. Because their kidneys cannot concentrate their urine appropriately, these pets lose a large amount of water in the large volumes of urine they produce. Therefore, they must drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

These pets must eat a diet specially formulated for kidney disease. Kidney diets contain less protein, sodium, and phosphorus and increased omega-3 fatty acids. Introduce the new diet over a period of 7 to 10 days. Gradually increase the proportion of the kidney diet and decrease the amount of the old diet until the pet has transitioned to eating only the new diet. Kidney diets come in a variety of flavors, so if your pet develops a flavor aversion, other options can be substituted.

As the kidney disease progresses, additional treatment may be needed to support your pet. For example, your pet may need subcutaneous fluids at home, anti-emetic (anti-vomiting) drugs, appetite stimulants, phosphorus binders, medication to reduce protein loss in the urine, medication to lower blood pressure, and potassium supplementation.


It is difficult to predict how long a pet with CKD will live. Regular check-ups and blood and urine tests allow doctors to monitor the progression of the disease. You should also watch your pet closely to notice changes in their health and behavior. The frequency of check-ups will be determined by your veterinarian based on staging of the disease, response to any treatments implemented, and whether your pet has developed new or worsening clinical signs.

Since early detection is paramount, consider discussing blood and urine testing for your senior pet during their next visit to the veterinarian.

Dr. Jeanette Barragan

La Importancia de los Cultivos de Orina en las Infecciones del Tracto Urinario y Consejos Para Prevenir

grumpy cat in litter box

Read in English

Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) son una preocupación común en la medicina veterinaria. Estas infecciones pueden causar una serie de síntomas incómodos y potencialmente graves en nuestras mascotas, incluyendo micción dolorosa, aumento de la frecuencia urinaria, y en casos más severos, fiebre y letargo. Aunque los síntomas pueden sugerir una ITU, otras condiciones, como las piedras en la vejiga o las enfermedades renales, pueden presentar síntomas similares. Por eso es crucial que la mascota sea examinada por su veterinario antes de empezar tratamiento.

Para diagnosticar y tratar eficazmente una ITU, uno de los pasos más críticos es realizar un cultivo de orine. Una vez que se identifica la bacteria causante, el cultivo de orine también suministra información crucial sobre qué antibióticos serán efectivos. Algunas bacterias pueden ser resistentes a ciertos antibióticos, y el uso de un medicamento ineficaz no solo retrasa la recuperación, sino que también puede contribuir a la resistencia bacteriana.

Infecciones Crónicas o Recurrentes

En algunos casos, las infecciones urinarias pueden ser crónicas o recurrentes. Esto es especialmente común en mascotas con condiciones que predisponen a las infecciones, como la diabetes o las anormalidades anatómicas del tracto urinario.

Para estos animales, se recomienda evaluación por un veterinario por lo menos dos veces al año. Es aun mas importante los cultivos de orine regulares para estos pacientes para monitorear la efectividad del tratamiento y ajustar la terapia según sea necesario. Esta vigilancia continua ayuda a prevenir complicaciones graves y a mantener la salud a largo plazo de la mascota.

Consejos Para Prevenir ITUs

  • Hidratación Adecuada: asegúrese que su mascota siempre tenga acceso a agua fresca y limpia. Nunca debe prevenir que su mascota tome más agua. Hidratación adecuada ayuda a eliminar las bacterias del tracto urinario.
  • Descansos Regulares para Orinar: Permite que tu perro orine con frecuencia. Retener la orina durante períodos prolongados puede promover el crecimiento bacteriano. La regla de las cajas de arena para los gatos es una caja por gato más una extra.
  • Dieta Adecuada: Una dieta equilibrada es importante para mantener la salud general y fortalecer el sistema inmunológico. Su veterinario puede aconsejar en una dieta para su mascota.
  • Higiene: Mantén limpia el área genital de tu perro. Los gatos son muy buenos en mantener su propria limpieza, pero pueden tener dificultades si están sobrepeso o si tiene artritis. Recorta el pelo alrededor del área genital para evitar que las bacterias se adhieran al pelaje. Limpia la parte trasera y luego la vulva después de ir al baño.
  • Mantener un Peso Saludable: Las mascotas con sobrepeso son más propensos a las ITUs. El ejercicio regular y una dieta adecuada pueden ayudar a mantener un peso saludable.
  • Monitorear los Síntomas: Observa los signos de una ITU, como micción frecuente, esfuerzo, sangre en la orina o comportamiento inusual. La detección y el tratamiento tempranos pueden prevenir problemas más graves.
  • Evitar el Estrés: El estrés puede debilitar el sistema inmunológico. Trata de minimizar las situaciones estresantes y proporciona un ambiente calmado y estable.

Y como nota final, vamos a estar cerrados el 19 de junio por Juneteenth. Regresamos de 7 am – 7 pm el próximo día.

Ana Valbuena (she/her/ella), DVM

Urinary Tract Infections: Why We Culture, Tips for Prevention

dog squatting in grass

Leer en español

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common concern in veterinary medicine. These infections can cause a range of uncomfortable and potentially serious symptoms in our pets, including painful urination, increased urinary frequency, and in more severe cases, fever and lethargy. Although symptoms may suggest a UTI, other conditions, such as bladder stones or kidney disease, can present similar symptoms. This is why it is crucial that the pet is examined by a veterinarian before starting treatment.

To diagnose and effectively treat a UTI, one of the most critical steps is performing a urine culture. Once the causative bacteria are identified, the urine culture also provides crucial information about which antibiotics will be effective. Some bacteria may be resistant to certain antibiotics, and using an ineffective medication not only delays recovery but can also contribute to bacterial resistance.

Chronic or Recurrent Infections

In some cases, urinary infections can be chronic or recurrent. This is especially common in pets with conditions that predispose them to infections, such as diabetes or anatomical abnormalities of the urinary tract.

For these animals, evaluation by a veterinarian at least twice a year is recommended. Regular urine cultures are even more important for these patients to monitor treatment effectiveness and adjust therapy as needed. This continuous monitoring helps prevent serious complications and maintain the long-term health of the pet.

Tips for Preventing UTIs

  • Adequate Hydration: Ensure your pet always has access to fresh, clean water. Never prevent your pet from drinking more water. Adequate hydration helps flush out bacteria from the urinary tract.
  • Regular Bathroom Breaks: Allow your dog to urinate frequently. Holding urine for prolonged periods can promote bacterial growth. The rule for litter boxes for cats is one box per cat plus one extra.
  • Proper Diet: A balanced diet is important to maintain overall health and strengthen the immune system. Your veterinarian can advise on a diet for your pet.
  • Hygiene: Keep your dog’s genital area clean. Cats are very good at keeping themselves clean, but they may have difficulties if they are overweight or have arthritis. Trim the hair around the genital area to prevent bacteria from clinging to the fur. Wipe the rear and then the vulva after going to the bathroom.
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Pets that are overweight are more prone to UTIs. Regular exercise and a proper diet can help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Monitor Symptoms: Watch for signs of a UTI, such as frequent urination, straining, blood in the urine, or unusual behavior. Early detection and treatment can prevent more serious problems.
  • Avoid Stress: Stress can weaken the immune system. Try to minimize stressful situations and provide a calm and stable environment.

And as a final note, we will be closed on June 19 for Juneteenth. We will be back from 7 am to 7 pm the next day.

Ana Valbuena (she/her/ella), DVM

Worms and Fleas and Ticks, Oh My!

Common External Parasites in Dogs: Fleas, Mites, Ticks; Common Internal Parasites in Dogs: Roundworm, Heartworm, Tapeworm

Our clinic is switching from Sentinel Spectrum to Interceptor Plus. So what does that mean for your pups?

To say that it can be confusing when it comes to knowing what preventative products your dog needs is a bit of an understatement. Does your pet really need this stuff? Is it just marketing? Is this a Coke vs Pepsi thing, or are there actual differences in these products?

It can be confusing even for us in the field trying to keep up with all the new options. That’s why we at Medical District Veterinary Clinic have curated a few products we believe in, so you don’t have to do all the research.

Here is what we have and why.

Product NameParasites CoveredProsCons
Heartworm/Intestinal Parasites
HeartgardHeartworm, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms+ Less expensive
+ Beef flavored soft chew
+ More palatable
– Does not cover tapeworms
Interceptor PlusHeartworm, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms+ More expansive coverage of intestinal parasites– Less economical than Heartgard
ProHeart 12Heartworm (for 1 year), hookworms, roundworms, whipworms+ One-time injection
+ About the same price as 12 months of Heartgard
– Hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm preventative only lasts for 1 month
Simparica TrioHeartworm, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, fleas, ticks+ Product closest to being an “all-in-one”
+ Less expensive than purchasing Heartgard and NexGard together
– Does not cover tapeworms
Frontline GoldFleas, ticks+ More economical than oral products
+ Topical (no concern with food sensitivities)
– Less effective against ticks than oral preventatives
– Topical (can be messy; need to keep pet away from children for a few hours after application)
NexGardFleas and ticks+ Works within hours
+ Soft chew
– More expensive than topicals
Simparica TrioSee aboveSee aboveSee above

So which products should you use for your dog? We recommend that all dogs are covered for heartworm, fleas, and ticks year-round, so here are a few combinations to consider:

  • Want the simplest way to have your pet covered? Simparica Trio
  • Want the most comprehensive coverage? NexGard and Interceptor Plus
  • Want to avoid any oral medications? Proheart 12 and Frontline Gold
  • Want the most economical year-round coverage? Heartgard and Frontline Gold

So why did we make the decision to transition away from Sentinel Spectrum and move to Interceptor Plus? Mostly to help keep costs down for you. Interceptor Plus is less expensive, and there is just a slight difference in that Interceptor Plus does not have Lufenuron, which stops the development of flea eggs. Lufenuron doesn’t kill adult fleas, so we recommend an additional flea preventative anyway.

If you are dead set on keeping your pup on Sentinel Spectrum, not a problem! We are happy to approve a prescription for you, as long as your pet is a current patient of ours and has an up-to-date heartworm test.

Dr. Alyssa Kritzman

Illustration from AdobeStock by Double Brain

Heart Murmurs in Dogs and Cats

Your veterinarian told you that your pet has a heart murmur, but what does that mean?

A heart murmur is an additional noise heard due to the abnormal flow of blood through the heart’s valves or chambers. This additional noise is then graded on a scale of 1 to 6 based on how loud the heart murmur is. A 1 means the softest and hardest to hear, and a 6 means the loudest.

How loud the heart murmur is does not necessarily correlate to the severity of heart disease. If your pet has a heart murmur, it is not an immediate cause for panic, but rather lets your veterinarian know that more investigation should be done to try and find the cause.

What Causes a Heart Murmur?

There are many causes of heart murmurs. Some heart murmurs are considered “innocent,” also termed “physiologic.” Other heart murmurs are a result of a disease, and these are known as “pathologic.” Pathologic heart murmurs can be caused by a structural problem with the heart or can be caused by disease not related to the heart itself, called functional heart murmurs.

Innocent Heart Murmurs

An innocent heart murmur means there is no heart disease that explains the presence of the heart murmur. In dogs, these murmurs occur most often in puppies. They can occur in cats of any age.

These murmurs are usually very soft. In puppies and kittens, these murmurs usually appear around 6 to 8 weeks of age and should go away on their own by the age of 4 to 5 months. In adult cats, stress may cause an innocent heart murmur.

Structural Heart Disease

An abnormal defect or structure that disrupts the normal flow of blood leads to structural heart disease. Examples of these include valve disease that causes the valves between the chambers of the heart to not close or open properly, a hole in the heart that causes two chambers or two arteries to be connected when they shouldn’t be, and narrowing or widening of the blood vessels.

Functional Heart Murmurs

Heart murmurs can also be caused by disease outside of the heart, or extra-cardiac disease. There are many causes of functional heart murmurs, including anemia (low levels of red blood cells), fever, pregnancy, infection, obesity, being significantly underweight, and hypoproteinemia (low protein levels in the blood).

Signs, Diagnostics, and Treatment

In some cases, your pet may not be experiencing any signs of having a heart murmur. In others, you may have noticed signs of poor appetite, exercise intolerance, trouble breathing or fast breathing when resting or sleeping, collapse or fainting, weight loss, coughing, pale gums, and weakness.

If your pet is found to have a heart murmur, your veterinarian will discuss additional testing that may be beneficial in finding the cause of the heart murmur and to determine the severity of the condition causing the murmur. Diagnostics that may be suggested include bloodwork, chest X-rays, and blood pressure testing.

Your veterinarian will likely suggest referral to a veterinary cardiologist or an imaging center for an echocardiogram. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart to get an idea of what the heart looks like and how it is functioning in real time. More specifically, an echocardiogram will provide information about the shape, size, and function of the heart’s four chambers, valves, and other surrounding structures.

Together, these diagnostics will provide your pet’s veterinarian with the information needed to determine what treatment and medication, if needed, will be necessary to help your pet live a longer, happy life.

By Dr. Jeanette Barragan

Illustration from photo by Gajus

What’s Urgent and What’s an Emergency?

Do any of the following sound familiar? Or have you ever contemplated what you would do if your pet became ill or injured when your primary care clinic is unavailable?

  1. Winnie cut her paw at the dog park. It is not a large cut but looks pretty deep and is bleeding quite a bit. Medical District Vet Clinic is closed or, unfortunately, fully booked. What do I do?
  2. Tiger has not been eating for the past three days. Now it’s Friday night and I am off work and would like her examined as I am getting worried. Where should I take her?
  3. Bowie has not urinated in over 8 hours. He is in and out of the litter box, trying to pee. Where should I go?

I am sure many of you have had similar questions and or situations. Fortunately, multiple options exist for care when you can’t bring your pet to a primary care clinic. To help our clients, we have created handouts listing options for emergency clinics and specialty hospitals in Chicago.

In this blog, I want to help explain the difference between the urgent care and emergency clinics here in the Chicago area and when I would recommend going where.

After-Hours Care Options

Urgent care facilities would typically not be set up to perform surgery or hospitalize overnight but could handle most cases of pet illness. Most cases can be treated as outpatient. If not, urgent care facilities may recommend transfer to a specialty emergency clinic.

Non-specialty emergency clinics are typically open 24 hours and have varied capabilities when it comes to both diagnostics and doctor capabilities. They can handle most emergencies, but do not have the luxury of referring to or consulting with a specialist on staff. In severe cases, they may recommend referral. If your pet is very ill, I suggest that you ask them about referral to a specialty hospital.

Specialty/emergency hospitals will have the capability of performing the most advanced diagnostics and have the benefit of specialty referral when needed. These hospitals have board-certified veterinary specialists, who have 4 to 6 years of specialty training beyond veterinary school.

Think about human medicine and all the specialties. Veterinary medicine is not quite as specialized. Still, our specialties include ophthalmology, surgery, oncology, internal medicine, dermatology, dentistry, radiology, emergency and critical care, and more. These doctors often work with the most complicated, severe cases of illness and disease and manage the cases while hospitalized.

What’s the Cost?

How much do these hospitals cost? I am sure many of you are contemplating this question.

First, I want to point out that Medical District Vet Clinic is not associated with any urgent care or specialty hospitals in Chicago. For this reason, I have limited knowledge of fees. If we refer a case from our clinic directly to an ER/specialty hospital, they will often give a rough estimate.

From my experience with the specialty hospitals and emergency clinics in Chicagoland, I would say they are similarly priced. However, in some cases, the (non-specialty) emergency clinics seem to be more expensive than the specialty hospitals, despite lacking specialty referral.

All these clinics should provide an estimate for care after examining your pet. Do not be afraid to speak up if the cost is out of budget. In some cases, diagnostics can be prioritized, and doctors can discuss options if their first recommendation is not financially feasible.

Dr. Sullivan’s Recommendations

Circling back to the questions posed initially:

Winnie’s cut paw: Any of the urgent or emergency clinics should be able to handle Winnie’s cut paw.

Tiger’s three days of not eating: If your cat hasn’t eaten in three days, take her to see a veterinarian. I would suggest going to an emergency clinic or specialty hospital.

Bowie’s inability to urinate: I would highly recommend a 24-hour specialty hospital. Bowie will likely need a procedure followed by a minimum of 48 hours of hospitalization. I believe the quality of care should be superior at a specialty emergency clinic and the cost similar to that of a non-specialty ER.

—Dr. Drew Sullivan

The State of the Medical District Veterinary Clinic

(from Dr. Sullivan’s perspective)

two smiling, alert corgis
Perk up your ears, because Dr. Sullivan has some important information to share about changes that are impacting veterinary practices across the country and what those changes mean for the Medical District veterinary family.

We’ve Seen Some Changes

Change was happening within the veterinary profession even before the pandemic, but change has drastically accelerated over the past four years.

Today, there is a veterinarian and veterinary staff shortage, expenses have increased more than inflation, and the demand for veterinary care has increased. This has resulted in overworked and tired veterinary professionals.

At Medical District Veterinary Clinic, we have always striven to maintain a healthy work-life balance for our staff. Despite these recent challenges, we remain committed to that goal. This blog post shares the facts about the impact of changes on our clinic and what that means for our clients.

Lots of Growth in Veterinary Medicine

Since the start of the pandemic there has been:

  • An increase in demand for veterinary services (and an increase in consumer spending overall)
  • An increase in pet ownership in the US, from 67% of households to 70% of households (according to US News and World Report)
  • An increase in spending on pets in the US, jumping 19% between 2020 and 2021 for a total of $123.6 billion annually (according to Forbes)

On grooming, pet food, veterinary care, and luxury pet items, households are spending more than ever before. The largest group of pet owners is millennials, making up 32% of pet owners, followed by baby boomers at 27%.

While on the surface, this sounds great for the veterinary industry, it has resulted in stress across the profession. Veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and support staff have been stretched thin. The staffing issues that already existed within the profession were made worse by the acute, dramatic change in demand.

Growth at Medical District Vet Clinic

Things were no different at our practice. At the height of the staffing challenges, we had veterinarians and support staff seek positions at other practices, leaving us short-staffed and unable to meet our client demand. Unfortunately, this resulted in our inability to meet all our patients’ needs, and we had to deal with many frustrated and upset clients. As a result, staff and veterinarians were further discouraged and facing burnout.

Fortunately, we were able to recruit and hire three veterinarians and three certified veterinary technicians. We are very lucky to be in a position to offer competitive salary and benefits packages to aid in recruitment. We are now fully staffed and able to provide staff with work-life balance while also having availability to see patients in a timely manner.

But Also Some Negative Developments

Negative effects on the veterinary industry since COVID include large increases in both overall expenses and no-show appointments.

A trend for increased veterinary expenses over the past few years saw the biggest bump up in late 2022/early 2023. Drug and medical supplies, laboratory costs, and staffing costs have all increased. Total costs have increased at a rate higher than US inflation.

We have also seen a disappointing client trend, at our clinic and across the industry: a large increase in no-show appointments. We noticed this trend months ago and started tracking no-shows. We changed our confirmation protocol to help owners remember upcoming appointments, but that did not seem to make much difference.

March 2023 was by far our worst month: we had 92 no-shows. This is 92 more patients we could have helped or not had to refer to an emergency clinic if clients would have just called to let us know they would not be coming. As an existing client, you might be thinking this issue must be related to new clients, and you are partially correct. However, almost two-thirds of our no-shows are existing clients.

To combat this alarming new trend, we and other practices have implemented measures including cancellation/no-show fees or deposits required to book appointments.

How We Are Responding to These Trends

So what changes you can expect at the Medical District Veterinary Clinic? We will continue to strive to provide exceptional, high-quality veterinary care, while also providing our staff with the support to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Because of the overall increase in expenses, we must increase prices to meet our costs. However, our prices for long-term medications will continue to match PetMeds’ online prices (see chart). Offering these medications at competitive prices provides convenience to our clients and allows us to help with clients’ issues or questions regarding pharmaceuticals. You also help us maintain that revenue stream when you purchase your pet’s medications from us instead of online.

PetMeds Price-Matched Medications
Heartgard Plus (6/12 packs)
Sentinel Spectrum (6/12 packs)
NexGard (6/12 packs)
Simparica Trio (6/12 packs)
Senergy Cats (6/12 packs)
Rimadyl Chewable Tablets (60/90/180 count)
Deramaxx Chewable tablets (30/60/90 count)

Beginning in May, we will also be instituting a deposit to book an appointment for all new clients as well as for existing clients who have a history of no-show.

We understand that sometimes life gets in the way, things happen, and clients may occasionally miss appointments. Unfortunately, the trends we are seeing have left us without another option. The deposit will be refundable if the appointment is canceled prior to 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. Please see here for the complete policy.

Thank you!

Lastly, I want to thank you all for trusting us in caring for your pets. I can speak on behalf of all the staff at Medical District Veterinary Clinic: We truly love what we do and daily have your pet’s best interest in mind.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Or compliments! Compliments for staff and doctors are always greatly appreciated.


Drew Sullivan, DVM
Director, Medical District Veterinary Clinic

Fleas and Ticks Beyond Summer

As cooler weather arrives, resist the urge to skip you pet’s monthly dose of preventive medication against fleas and ticks.

Summer is winding down, and soon we’ll be able to enjoy cooler autumn weather. Along with the cooler weather comes the misconception that our pets no longer need their monthly flea and tick prevention.

Although it’s true that a lot of tick species are most active in the summer, there are some species of ticks that remain active in the fall in Illinois. Likewise, flea season in Illinois can last well into the winter. In fact, flea and tick infestations are most frequently encountered in September through November. Without the protection of monthly prevention, fleas and ticks can cause a variety of health issues for our pets.


Our pets can get fleas from just about anywhere, including from other animals, outdoors, and even an indoor environment if the fleas hitch a ride from the outside on shoes. Fleas can cause itching and discomfort, and if your pet is allergic to fleas, they can develop flea allergy dermatitis. Flea allergy dermatitis causes intense itching, severe discomfort, hair loss, and secondary skin infections. In severe flea infestations, our pets can develop anemia secondary to blood loss from the fleas feeding. Finally, fleas also put our pets at risk for intestinal parasites called tapeworms, and Bartonella, a bacterial infection that may cause severe disease and require up to 6 weeks of treatment.


Ticks can attach during walks, hikes, or any outdoor activity. This is especially true in wooded areas or places with tall grasses. Ticks can carry Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis along with other bacterial and protozoal diseases. A variety of clinical signs can develop from these diseases, including swollen joints and lymph nodes, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. In severe cases, pets can develop heart and liver disease and kidney failure.

In addition to the health issues fleas and ticks cause for our pets, they can also infest your household. Clearing your household of these infestations can be labor-intensive, costly, and may take weeks to months to be fully effective.

So, as we approach the cooler months, keep your pets healthy and safe and resist the urge to skip that next monthly dose of their flea and tick prevention.

Dr. Jeanette Barragan

Photo by Tim Golder on Unsplash

Tips to Get You and Your Pet Through Fireworks

sad dog with fireworks over the Chicago skyline in the background

Summer is here and full of celebrations, but these celebrations can induce high stress and anxiety in our pets! With fireworks ramping up, it is important to recognize the signs of anxiety and be prepared.  

Here are some tips on how to get through firework season:

Create a Safe Space

  • Pets usually do better if they are not left home alone during fireworks events. This may not be possible, so creating a safe space is important!
  • Keep windows, doors, and curtains closed to minimize the noise and light.
  • Consider a white noise machine for the area they like to hide.
    • White noise or classical music is preferred over radio and TV as human voices or loud sounds can worsen anxiety.
    • “Through a Dog’s Ear” is a series of classical selections that has been shown to have calming effects on dogs. This is available on Spotify and Apple Music!
  • Add pheromones (Feliway for cats and Adaptil for dogs) around the safe space.
    • Pheromones mimic the calming scent of the mother and have been found to decrease anxiety in cats and dogs.

Extra Exercise

  • Play with their favorite toys or go on a longer walk to help tire them out.
  • If possible, head out for the long walk before the sun sets.
  • Double-check the fit of the collar and harness before going outside as the chances of loud noises scaring them off is much higher.

Encourage Hydration

  • Fear makes dogs pant and summer is extra warm, so make sure to provide fresh water in multiple spots, particularly if they like to hide.

Calming Supplements and Sedatives

  • If your pet has had bad reactions to fireworks or other noises in the past, reach out to discuss available supplements or sedatives to help keep them calm!

Signs of anxiety can include shaking, panting, drooling, excessive vocalizing, hiding, packing, and bolting. Escape attempts usually involve hiding in the home but the source of noise can be very confusing, so some dogs may want to escape to the outside. In fact, American pet advocacy groups point out that Independence Day is the busiest day of the year in shelters with pets getting lost or hurt. 

Tags and Microchips

  • 1 in 3 pets go missing in their lifetime. Ensure they are wearing a collar tag and microchip with up-to-date information.
  • Don’t know your pet’s unique microchip number? Check your veterinary or adoption paperwork or call a nearby shelter or veterinarian to have your pet scanned!
  • If you do not know the brand of the microchip, visit the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Universal Pet Microchip Lookup to find the manufacturer so you can contact them to provide accurate contact information. 

And remember, firework debris can be present the morning after – and can be toxic! Watch out for debris and other items on the ground.

Lastly, Medical District Veterinary Clinic will be closed in observance of Independence Day on Monday, July 4, so please make sure to note the number and address to the closest emergency clinic.

We wish you and your beloved companions a happy and stress-free holiday!

Dr. Valbuena

Around the World with Fluffy and Fido

As most of us start returning to normal (well, at least a “new” normal), a lot of us are starting to make plans for new adventures to new places. For those of you who want to take your furry family members, your first thoughts may be about what size carrier you will need, or if your pets will need something to calm their nerves. But first and foremost, you should familiarize with yourself with this website:


That’s because the almost every animal that crosses international borders needs approval from the federal government, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to be specific. Each nation on the planet has its own set of requirements for an animal to enter that country, and a USDA-certified veterinarian needs to sign off that your pet has met those requirements.

This process can be as simple as keeping a rabies vaccine up to date (Germany) or as complicated as sending blood samples across the globe to be tested for certain diseases well before their little paws get anywhere near the airport (South Africa). It can sometimes take months of preparation (Hawaii and Australia), or strict time frames that require multiple pet visits (England).

Luckily, all the doctors at the Medical District Veterinary Clinic have USDA certification to complete these health certificates, and we can help guide you through the process making sure you cat or dog can safely travel.

But there are a few things that we ask of you:

  1. Notify our clinic as soon as you have any inclination that you may want to travel with your pet. This process is T-E-D-I-O-U-S, it takes a lot of our time to ensure that your pet has everything it needs, and especially if you have let your pet become overdue for vaccines, it can add months to prepare your pet for travel.
  2. Understand that this can be costly. It takes a lot of people and time to ensure that your pet qualifies to travel. The bureaucracy can be very frustrating, but remember that it is in place to ensure the same transport for not only your pet, but for the public as a whole. Plus, some countries require tests that can cost several hundred dollars (Aloha, Hawaii and Australia!).
  3. Plan to do some legwork on your own. Since COVID, the USDA APHIS office has gone digital in many ways. All paperwork has to be submitted electronically and then mailed back to you. That means you’ll have to provide a rabies certificate (if we haven’t vaccinated your pet) and a pre-paid shipping label in PDF form to be digitally submitted.

Finally, if all of this makes you go cross-eyed, there are companies that will help you through this whole process. They can make your life and ours a lot easier too.

Happy travels and, before I sign off, I’d like to say “Welcome!” to our new doctors, Dr. Valbuena, Dr. Barragan, and Dr. Calderon! I am beyond excited to have the opportunity to work with these exceptional veterinarians.

— Dr. Alyssa Kritzman